Rural Transit Sicayab to Diwan Bus Schedule.
Rural Transit Mindanao, Inc. Bus schedule.
Rural Transit Mindanao, Inc. Dipolog Branch Bus Schedule for Sicayab Dipolog to Diwan Zamboanga del Nortes and vice versa route.
Here’s the updated bus schedules as of July 2024 of Rural Transit Mindanao from Sicayab Dipolog to Diwan Zamboanga del Norte and vice versa route
Sicayab Dipolog – Diwan, Zamboanga del Norte Schedule
Sicayab – Diwan
Bus Type: Aircon
Departure Time:
6:00 AM 1st Trip
7:00 AM 2nd Trip
8:00 AM 3rd Trip
9:00 AM 4th Trip
10:00 AM 5th Trip
11:00 AM 6th Trip
12:00 AM 7th trip
1:00 PM 1st Trip
2:00 PM 2nd Trip
3:00 PM 3rd Trip
4:00 PM 4th Trip
5:00 PM 5th Trip
6:00 PM 6th Trip
Diwan – Sicayab
Bus Type: Aircon
Departure Time:
6:00 AM 1st Trip
7:00 AM 2nd Trip
8:00 AM 3rd Trip
9:00 AM 4th Trip
10:00 AM 5th Trip
11:00 AM 6th Trip
12:00 AM 7th trip
1:00 PM 1st Trip
2:00 PM 2nd Trip
3:00 PM 3rd Trip
4:00 PM 4th Trip
5:00 PM 5th Trip
6:00 PM 6th Trip
* Schedules are subject to change without prior notice*
For Inquiries, please contact:
Rural Transit Bus Terminal
Address: Main Road, Santa Filomena, Dipolog City
For more information please visit:
Rural Transit Bus Schedules
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