Cubao to Santiago Five Star Bus Schedules
Five Star Bus Schedule and Fare.
Cubao to Santiago/Cordon Isabela Bus Schedule of Five Star Bus.
Here’s the updated Five Star Bus Schedule of Trips and Fares for Cubao to Santiago/Cordon Isabela and vice versa as of April 2024
CUBAO – SANTIAGO Schedule & Fare
Estimated Fare:
Regular Fare: Php 734.00
PWD, SC, Student: Php 587.00
Deluxe Fare: Php 766.00
PWD, SC, Student: Php 613.00
CUBAO – SANTIAGO/Cordon Isabela
Departure Time
5:30 AM
7:00 AM
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
5:20 PM
6:00 PM
Departure Time
5:30 AM
7:30 AM
8:30 AM
6:00 PM
“Five Star Bus Cargo Partner in Isabela”
Route: Munoz , Clsu Santo Thomas, San Jose, Digdig, Capintalan , Santa Fe, Bambang, Bayombong, Solano, Diadi, Cordon, Santiago.
* Schedules and Fares are subject to change without prior notice*
For Inquiries please contact:
Booking: 09759735497
Customer Service: 09277124349
Five Star Bus Terminal Pasay
- Address:2220 Aurora Blvd. Pasay city
- Contact No: (02) 833 4772 / (02) 851 6614
- Email add: 5starbusCS@gmail.com
- Website: https://fivestarbus.ph/
For more information please visit:
Five Star Bus Schedule & Fare
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