Cubao to Dagupan Victory Liner.
Victory Liner Bus Trips from Cubao to Dagupan
Here’s the Victory Liner Bus schedules and fare from Cubao to Dagupan and vice versa updated as of May 15, 2023.
CUBAO – DAGUPAN Schedule and Fare
Estimated Fare
Regular Aircon Bus: Php 484.00
Cubao- Dagupan
Departure time
4:00 AM
11:20 AM
11:40 PM
Dagupan – Cubao
Departure time
3:40 AM
1:40 PM
8:00 PM
“Victory Liner Drop & Go Cargo Padala“
* Schedules and Fares are subject to change without prior notice*
For inquiries please contact:
Cubao – 0998 591 5054
Dagupan – 0998 591 5020
For more information please visit:
“Victory Liner Bus Schedules”
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