Ceres Liner PITX to Iloilo Bus Schedule as of July 26, 2022.
Here’s the bus schedule of Ceres Liner for PITX to Iloilo Bus Route
PITX – ILOILO Schedule
First Trip : 8:00 AM
Last Trip : 10:00 AM
Iloilo City, Iloilo
Sara, Iloilo
Estancia, Iloilo
Maig-ao Iloilo
Pototan, Iloilo
* Schedules are subject to change without prior notice*
For Inquires please contact:
- 0916 790 7944
- 0917 466 7476
Or visit:
Ticket Booth 4 – Counter 2
2nd Floor. PITX
1 Kennedy Road Tambo,
Paranaque City
For more information please visit:
“Ceres Bus Schedule & Fare”
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February 8 there’s a first trip schedule going to Iloilo city ?? And how much fair?? Thank you