Baguio to Abra bus schedule of Partas Bus effective July 1, 2022.
Here is the daily trips of Partas Bus from Baguio to Abra and Vice Versa of starting July 1, 2022.
BAGUIO – ABRA Schedule & Fare
Estimated Fare
Deluxe : Php 420.00
Schedule Daily
Time Bus Class
8:00 AM Deluxe
3:00 PM Deluxe
Schedule Daily
6:00 AM Deluxe
5:00 PM Deluxe
Cubao to Vigan Partas Bus Schedule
*Schedules & Rates are subject to change without prior notice*
For Inquiries please call:
- Baguio: 0917 804 9271
- Abra: 0917 848 7845
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