Bacolod to Zamboanga Bus Schedule of Ceres Liner
Here is the 2022 Ceres Bus Schedules and fare from Bacolod to Zamboanga & vice versa via San Carlos, Dumaguete & Dapitan.
Bacolod to Zamboanga via San Carlos, Dumaguete, & Dapitan
Bacolod Departure
7:00 AM
Zamboanga to Bacolod via Dapitan, Dumaguete and San Carlos
Zamboanga Departure
5:00 PM
Estimated Fare: P 1,400.00
Ceres Bus Schedule Cebu to Zamboanga
*Schedules & Fares subject to change without prior notice *
For Inquiries please call:
- 0910 432 6704
- 0949 993 8366
- 0953 227 5999
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