DLTB Bus Schedule from PITX to Tabaco, PITX to Legazpi, PITX to Iriga, Buendia to Iriga & Cubao to Iriga updated as of June 2022.
Here’s the updated Schedule of DLTB Bus from PITX to Tabaco, Legazpi , Iriga, and from Cubao to Iriga.
PITX to Tabaco
Departure: 7:00 PM Daily
Estimated Fare: Php 1,137.00
Travel requirements
Any valid ID
If fully vaccinated: Vaccination card (Original copy)
If partial/unvaccinated: Negative Antingen Test Result except for 3 years old & below
Children: Birth certificate
Pregnant: Fit to travel certificate
PITX to Legazpi
Departure: 7:30 PM Daily
Estimated Fare: Php 1,078.00
PITX to Legazpi (via Naga)
Departure: 8:30 PM Daily ( Lazyboy)
Estimated Fare: Php 1,300.00
Travel Requirements:
Any valid ID
If fully vaccinated: Vaccination card (Original copy)
If partial/unvaccinated: Negative Antingen Test Result except for 1 year old & below
Children: Birth certificate
Pregnant: Fit to travel certificate
TO IRIGA Schedule ( via Naga)
Daily Departure | Fare |
PITX to Iriga – 8:00 PM | Php 933 |
LRT Buendia to Iriga – 7:00 PM | Php 933 |
Aurora Cubao to Iriga – 10:00 PM | Php 933 |
Travel Requirements:
Any valid ID
If fully vaccinated: Vaccination card (Original copy)
If partial/unvaccinated: Negative Antingen Test Result except for 6 years old & below
Children: Birth certificate
Pregnant: Fit to travel certificate
* Schedules & Fares are subject to change without prior notice*
For inquiries please call/visit
DLTB Co. Main Office
Address: Barangay Turbina , Calamba City Laguna
Phone: 0933 824 7198
Email: dltb_aom22@yahoo.com
Website: www.dltb.ph
DLTB BOOKING PAGE: Dltb online booking
For more information please visit:
“DLTB Bus Schedule & Fare”
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